ghudadaud men ghode ko daudaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 1689 "space provided for the race of a body, a mechanism" (Mrs DE SÉVIGNÉ, Match Jocus "joke, banter" which has supplanted ludus inheriting his senses: "play, fun, entertainment; 2. 6 what we saw in the ways gesture and pose of the Greek, it was not the man in court was the man of the arena as hereditary gymnastics a chosen race had formed Taine, Philosophy of Art, t 3. A class of rich merchants in the foreign trade with New England and the race is affirmed under the government of Victor Hughes (1794-1798) 4. A sort of race begins between the paralysis of Germany under the blows of the Allies and the construction of new weapons in which German scientists have the advantage 5. Arguably the least that the issue of race or nationality does not play in this development a key role

Given are the examples of hindi word ghudadaud men ghode ko daudaana usage in english sentences. The examples of ghudadaud men ghode ko daudaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., race.

In some parts of the country, candidates with criminal connection have been able to push others out of the electoral race and to secure a ticket from major parties.

This land of rolling hills is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.
Cricket in colonial India was organised on the principle of race and religion.
Usually only a handful of parties are effectively in the race to win elections and form the government.
It is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule by majority community in terms of religion or race or linguistic group, etc.
In some parts of the country, candidates with criminal connection have been able to push others out of the electoral race and to secure a 'ticket' from major parties.
In a hundred metres race between six people, only one can be the winner.
Mijbil, as I called the otter, was, in fact, of a race previously unknown to science, and was at length christened by zoologists Lutrogale perspicillata maxwelli, or Maxwell's otter.
History contains numerous examples of discrimination based on race and social class or caste.
These include age, gender, ethnicity, or race and recent occurrence of serious life events.
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